Calabrian wine renaissance


Calabrian wine renaissance


Today there is talk in the world of food and wine criticism of a "Calabrian wine renaissance."

This is because for years Calabria did not actively participate in what was the so-called renaissance of the 1990s and 2000s, staying somewhat out of the race. Contrary to what one might think, this staying for years a bit "behind" the race of modernity has been a merit, as Calabria has thus saved the indigenous traditions without losing the artisanal imprint that today is the most important and sought-after thing in the evaluation of products, where territorial representation, uniqueness, is sought and appreciated. 

Historically, Calabria has been a land of vineyards, since the 8th century B.C., when it was called Enotria. Enotria was an ancient region of southern Italy, difficult to delimit, but which certainly included the southeastern bangs of Campania, Basilicata and Calabria, inhabited by the Enotrians since the first wave of Indo-European Italic peoples. The name Enotria derives from the Greek ôinos (wine) because of the area's flourishing and numerous vineyards.

For more than a millennium the region was the leading producer in the Mediterranean, and names of famous wines, shipped precisely to every corner of the Mediterranean, are mentioned in various historical sources. So an ancient tradition that is intertwined with the birth and history of Magna Graecia itself.

Returning to the present day then, it is evident a newfound interest in Calabrian wines that, as we said, have preserved the values of traditions and craftsmanship.

At the XXI edition of the City of Wine International Wine Competition for example, known as the Mayor's Selection and organized by the National Association of Wine Cities with the authorization of Masaf (Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry) and the scientific support of the OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine), Calabrian oenology took the podium.

One thousand four hundred wines, from all Italian regions, competed. Calabria's haul was as many as eighteen valuable medals, demonstrating the quality of Calabrian wines.

The basis of this Competition is the desire to reaffirm the value of the relationship between wine and territory, rewarding together the Companies and the Municipalities.
In short, Calabria, with the underdevelopment of the past decades, has preserved authenticity and is now the promised land of oenology and good food.

We at Tenuta del Castello cherish the history of the area.

Our winery, located in the heart of the vineyards, a few steps from the ancient Castle of the Princes Pignone del Carretto, is a large facility equipped with the best technological facilities for winemaking and bottling.



It is no coincidence that Tenuta del Castello is the only Italian wine-producing partner participating in the EU-funded TRACEWINDU (Traceability at wine industry through integrated labelling of typicality, health protection effect and organoleptic attributes) project, which aims to ensure and improve the traceability of wine along the entire value chain through the use of smart labeling and data recording techniques using blockchain technology. This will enable consumers to make purchases based on complete and reliable information about the production process.


Here innovation embraces the tradition of the artisanal approach, for the creation of an authentic wine, the result of intense work and a true expression of the territory from which it comes.

The result is a selected, high-quality wine made with the collaboration of oenologist Riccardo Cotarella, President of the Association of Oenologists.

Production is based on the 12 hectares where greco, traminer and aglianico are grown. The three grape varieties give rise to a white "Lepanio" (90% Greek and 10% Traminer), a rosé "Pian delle rose" (the label is named after the historic plateau overlooking the castle) with 100% pure Aglianico, a red "Narobio" 100% Aglianico (aged in barriques for 8 months) and the cru red "Soprano" (aged in new barriques for 18 months).

Wines of great elegance and structure with the ambition to soon join the great labels of made in Italy.


October 2024
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